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Monday, December 6, 2010

Posting finally....

Wow, I have not posted here for a while....I guess I would rather do than write about doing..;^)

I had a wonderful several days around Thanksgiving in San Jose, CA with my wife Kit and her family. Very nice actually, including the "Six Pack" pie challenge which involves a slice of each homemade pie on your plate for dessert...this practice depends on how many pies get baked. and has been increasing by one a year. Interesting experience. Much gratitude expressed by all.....

Home to TorC for the month of December for me. Kit plans a visit in early January and I look forward to that....meanwhile I have to make sure the hot water well still works so I am enjoying a mineral bath just about everyday...mmmmm.

I had a couple nice visits with VanDweller friends recently and am looking forward to the first annual Rubbertramps Rendezvous in the desert outside Quartzite, AZ. in late January....

Any of you Vandwellers who have not heard about it yet....check out our host, Bob W.'s site at to find the particulars.....hope to see you there...we plan a few workshops on various aspects of vandwelling and general topics that vandwellers may find useful.

A plus for me is that a very long time messmate of mine from as long ago as our year at NAS Whidbey in 1963 is going to come down to Quartzite with several of his rocket models and will do some launches...that is always an awe-inspiring event as they can be quite large. I have not seen him since 2002 so that will be fun for me. I only have two friends that I am in contact with from my Navy days and Gary is one...

More later,

See you on the road and remember, as Ram Dass says: "We are all just walking each other home."



  1. Bri, I'm sure looking forward to seeing you again at the RTR!

  2. Thanks Heidi and the same goes for me...It sounds like good things are already happening...enjoy and see ya soon...

  3. It was definitely fun... See you again soon :)


Baja mellow

Baja Bri

Me and my buddy

Me and my buddy
Bri and "Dina Whitesocks the Dancing Dervish Dog"

B.O.B. and Dina

B.O.B. and Dina


About Me

My photo
well, I am a 70 year old married man with a couple of sons and 4 grand kids and am currently wending my way around the planet in any way that I find interests me. I am a retired mechanic, certified motorcycle nut, ride a sidecar rig and practice living in the moment. I am a 31 year friend of Bill and Bob and have lived a life beyond my wildest dreams.