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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Some photos ....

Here are some shots from the First Annual Rubbertramp Rondyvous on BLM land near Quartzsite, AZ....The final count was 42 attendees I believe....


  1. hey! your post never showed up in my feed, and didn't take my last comment.....trying again!

  2. Hi KAtie...sorry...don't know what is wrong. Am on the road for home from Mexico but will check when I get home....
    I do monitor what goes on the blog and have to click on "publish" I do for all my friends though...

  3. hmmm. a whole bunch just showed up in my feed from back in december! i can catch up now!

  4. OK cool Katie, I think I have it set to feed again. I think a while ago I tried to get it to not post everything that published on my blog, to come onto Facebook....I don't know if it will now or not...


Baja mellow

Baja Bri

Me and my buddy

Me and my buddy
Bri and "Dina Whitesocks the Dancing Dervish Dog"

B.O.B. and Dina

B.O.B. and Dina


About Me

My photo
well, I am a 70 year old married man with a couple of sons and 4 grand kids and am currently wending my way around the planet in any way that I find interests me. I am a retired mechanic, certified motorcycle nut, ride a sidecar rig and practice living in the moment. I am a 31 year friend of Bill and Bob and have lived a life beyond my wildest dreams.